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Null Space Labs

Become a Member Now!

Check out our upcoming events and classes!

Want to help us out? See our general shopping_list!

Null Space Labs is a hackerspace in downtown Los Angeles.

We are a place for people who do interesting things with tech; we offer wifi, coworking space, an electronics and hardware lab with soldering stations and rework equipment, a small wet lab, simple wood and metal working tools, public computers, and, most of all, a creative environment that's open to visitors.

Fields of interest of people you might find at the lab include DIY electronics, hardware hacking, lock picking, game development, entrepreneurship, security, graphics programming, AI, photography, privacy and civil rights, etc.

The group that operates Null Space Labs sees itself solely as an infrastructure provider and exerts little influence over projects and events carried out at the lab. We are trying to be financially independent, and finance our operations through membership fees. The space was opened in May 2010. Also, we are the only hackerspace that is not saving the world. <!– straight jacked from old metalab site –>

Parking Info

Parking is open again 24 hours/7 days a week (usually). Usually no attendant after 7PM Monday-Thursday. Occasionally you may find yourself locked in on weekends. Its OK! Just get creative and you can escape!

New meters have been installed either side of the building. Pay heed to the parking signs, as some days are no parking on the street during rush hours and they'll tow immediately.

If you are not careful, you WILL get towed from the other lot across the street, so don't use it. Refer to the image on the left and information on our website.

They shoot a lot of movies but say you work at NSL building and park anyway.


Join NSL Today

Find out the beautiful benefits of monthly membership to NSL. Try it out for a month and feel free to cancel any time after the first month if you feel dissatisfied.

When Are You There?

NSL Elevator Top Tips


Mailing List

Google Voice: +1 213 290 6855 (We never check it.)

NSL Batphone: +1 424 234 6750 (this goes to a real physical phone in the space) Broken

(We will get phone soon.. maybe)

IRC: EFnet/#nsl

Null Space Labs hackerspace page

Space Resources and Info


Events and Classes- Meetings and events


Requested Items - Items Null Space Labs is requesting. Please donate if you are able to.


Nearby Food

Equipment Inventory

Component Inventory

Rack Information

Recommended Reading(asm) - Primarily links for learning Assembly

BookList - More recommended books

NSL Library - Books on the shelf


NSL SVN Server

NSL Virtual Machine Server

Online Tools

EBay Sellers


LayerOne Badge Kits Reorder

Fun Stuff

index.1376427730.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/08/13 14:02 by bmbr