Docwho76's ESXi server hosts a few virtual machines at Nullspace Labs. Some of them are available for users to use while at the Labs. The ESXi server management IP address is - Centos 5.5 system running Asterisk & FreePBX. This system allows the NSL Google Voice SIP Lab phone to work. Autostarts. Please don't fuck with it. - Windows XP system loaded up with WinAVR, Eagle, NetBeans, Arduino and SVN clients. Autostarts. Look on the media rack in the space for the password. - Windows 2008 R2 x64 Standard Server system. Currently not used for anything, yet. Does not autostart. - Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server. Currently not used for anything, yet. Does not autostart. - FreeBSD 8.2 server. Backup VM for Doc under development. Please don't fuck with it. Autostarts.