The end product of the first Eagle Class
- Code is also available on the NSL SVN - Under “/032/NSL_Cylon/” br <html>
<a href=“” title=“IMG_4838 by charlie _x, on Flickr”><img src=“” width=“500” height=“333” alt=“IMG_4838” /></a> </html>
<html> <object type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” width=“400” height=“267” data=“” classid=“clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000”> <param name=“flashvars” value=“intl_lang=en-us&photo_secret=f0806a2b19&photo_id=5147364504”></param> <param name=“movie” value=“”></param> <param name=“bgcolor” value=“#000000”></param> <param name=“allowFullScreen” value=“true”></param><embed type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” src=“” bgcolor=“#000000” allowfullscreen=“true” flashvars=“intl_lang=en-us&photo_secret=f0806a2b19&photo_id=5147364504” height=“267” width=“400” ></embed></object> </html>
- if 1 /* larson.c The Larson Scanner Written by Windell Oskay, http:<nowiki>//</nowiki> <code> Copyright 2009 Windell H. Oskay Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, please see below.
An avr-gcc program for the Atmel ATTiny2313 Version 1.3 Last Modified: 2/8/2009. Written for Evil Mad Science Larson Scanner Kit, based on the "ix" circuit board. Improvements in v 1.3: * EEPROM is used to *correctly* remember last speed & brightness mode. Improvements in v 1.2: * Skinny "eye" mode. Hold button at turn-on to try this mode. To make it default, solder jumper "Opt 1." (If skinny mode is default, holding button will disable it temporarily.) * EEPROM is used to remember last speed & brightness mode.
More information about this project is at
------------------------------------------------- USAGE: How to compile and install
A makefile is provided to compile and install this program using AVR-GCC and avrdude. To use it, follow these steps: 1. Update the header of the makefile as needed to reflect the type of AVR programmer that you use. 2. Open a terminal window and move into the directory with this file and the makefile. 3. At the terminal enter make clean <return> make all <return> make install <return> 4. Make sure that avrdude does not report any errors. If all goes well, the last few lines output by avrdude should look something like this: avrdude: verifying ... avrdude: XXXX bytes of flash verified avrdude: safemode: lfuse reads as 62 avrdude: safemode: hfuse reads as DF avrdude: safemode: efuse reads as FF avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK avrdude done. Thank you.
If you a different programming environment, make sure that you copy over the fuse settings from the makefile.
------------------------------------------------- This code should be relatively straightforward, so not much documentation is provided. If you'd like to ask questions, suggest improvements, or report success, please use the evilmadscientist forum:
- /
- include <avr/io.h>
- include <avr/eeprom.h>
- include <avr/interrupt.h>
- include <avr/pgmspace.h>
- include <util/delay.h>
- define shortdelay(); \t\t\tasm(“nop\
- define TIMER1_PRESCALE_1 \t\t(1)
- define TIMER1_PRESCALE_8 \t\t(2)
- define TIMER1_PRESCALE_64 \t\t(3)
- define TIMER1_PRESCALE_256\t\t(4)
- define TIMER1_PRESCALE_1024\t(5)
uint16_t eepromWord attribute1));
int main (void) { \tuint8_t LEDs9; Storage for current LED values \t \tint8_t eyeLoc5; List of which LED has each role, leading edge through tail.
\tuint8_t LEDBright4 = {1u,4u,2u,1u}; Relative brightness of scanning eye positions \t \tint8_t j, m; \t \tuint8_t position, loopcount, direction; \tuint8_t ILED, RLED, MLED; \tuint8_t delaytime; \t \tuint8_t skinnyEye = 0; \tuint8_t pt, debounce, speedLevel; \tuint8_t \tUpdateConfig; \tuint8_t BrightMode; \tuint8_t debounce2, modeswitched; \t \tuint8_t CycleCountLow; \tuint8_t LED0, LED1, LED2, LED3, LED4, LED5, LED6, LED7, LED8; \t \tInitialization routine: Clear watchdog timer– this can prevent several things from going wrong.\t\t \tMCUSR &= 0xF7;\t\tClear WDRF Flag \tWDTCSR\t= 0x18;\t\tSet stupid bits so we can clear timer… \tWDTCSR\t= 0x00;
\tData direction register: DDR's \tPort A: 0, 1 are inputs.\t \tPort B: 0-3 are outputs, B4 is an input. \tPort D: 1-6 are outputs, D0 is an input. \t \tDDRA = 0U; \tDDRB = 15U;\t \tDDRD = 126U; \t \tPORTA = 3;\t Pull-up resistors enabled, PA0, PA1 \tPORTB = 16;\t Pull-up resistor enabled, PA \tPORTD = 0; \t\t
TCCR1B = (1 << WGM12) | TIMER1_PRESCALE_1; OCR1A = (uint16_t)800; TIMSK |= 1 << OCIE1A; // Output Compare Interrupt Enable (timer 1, OCR1A)
\t/* Visualize outputs:
\t L to R:
\t D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 B0 B1 B2 B3\t
\t*/ \t \tmultiplexed = LowPower;\t \tdebounce = 0; \tdebounce2 = 0; \tloopcount = 254; \tdelaytime = 0; \t \tdirection = 0; \tposition = 0; \tspeedLevel = 0; Range: 1, 2, 3 \tBrightMode = 0; \tCycleCountLow = 0; \tUpdateConfig = 0; \tmodeswitched = 0; \t \t \tif 2) { \t\tdelaytime = 0; \t} \telse \t{ speedlevel = 1; \t\tdelaytime = 1; \t}\t \t \t \t for (;;) // main loop { \tloopcount++; \t \tif (loopcount > delaytime) \t{ \t\tloopcount = 0; \t\t \t\tCycleCountLow++; \t\tif (CycleCountLow > 250) \t\t\tCycleCountLow = 0; \t\t \t\t \t\tif (UpdateConfig){\t\t need to save configuration byte to eeprom \t\t\tif (CycleCountLow > 100) Avoid burning EEPROM in event of flaky power connection resets \t\t\t{ \t\t\t\t \t\t\t\tUpdateConfig = 0; \t\t\t\tpt = (speedLevel « 4) | (BrightMode & 1); \t\t\t\teeprom_write_word(&eepromWord, (uint8_t) pt);\t \t\t\t\t Note: this function causes a momentary brightness glitch while it writes the EEPROM. \t\t\t\t We separate out this section to minimize the effect. \t\t\t} \t\t\t \t\t}\t \t\t \t\t \tif 3) { \t\t\t\tdelaytime = 0; \t\t\t} \t\t\telse \t\t\t{ speedlevel = 1; \t\t\t\tdelaytime = 1; \t\t\t} \t\t\t \t\t\tdebounce = 0; \t\t} \t\t \t\t\t} \t \t\tposition++; \t\t \t\tif (speedLevel == 3) \t\t\tposition++; \t\t \t if (position >= 128)\twas == 128 \t { \t\t position = 0; \t\t \t if (direction == 0) \t\t direction = 1; \t else \t\t direction = 0; \t } \t \t\t \t\t \tif (direction == 0) Moving to right, as viewed from front. \t{ \t\tILED = (15+position) » 4; \t\tRLED = (15+position) - (ILED « 4); \t\tMLED = 15 - RLED; \t\t \t\t} <code> else </code> \t{ \t\tILED = (127 - position) » 4; \t\tMLED = (127 - position) - (ILED « 4); \t\tRLED = 15 - MLED;\t \t} \t\t \t\tj = 0; \t\twhile (j < 9) { \t\t\tLEDsj = 0; \t\t\tj++; \t\t} \t\t \t\tj = 0; \t\twhile (j < 5) { \t\t\t \t\t\tif (direction == 0) \t\t\t m = ILED + (2 - j);\t e.g., eyeLoc0 = ILED + 2; \t\t\telse \t\t\t m = ILED + (j - 2); e.g., eyeLoc0 = ILED - 2; \t\t\t \t\t\tif (m > 8) \t\t\t\tm -= (2 * (m - 8)); \t\t\t \t\t\tif (m < 0) \t\t\t\tm *= -1; \t\t\t \t\t\teyeLocj = m; \t\t\t \t\t\tj++; \t\t} \t\t \t\tj = 0;\t\t For each of the eye parts… \t\twhile (j < 4) { \t\t\t \t\t\tLEDs[eyeLoc[j]] += LEDBrightj*RLED;\t\t\t \t\t\tLEDs[eyeLoc[j+1]] += LEDBrightj*MLED;\t\t\t \t\t\t \t\t\tj++; \t\t} \t \t LED0 = LEDs0;
LED1 = LEDs[[1]];
\t LED2 = LEDs2; \t LED3 = LEDs3; \t LED4 = LEDs4; \t LED5 = LEDs5; \t LED6 = LEDs6; \t LED7 = LEDs7; \t LED8 = LEDs8; \t} \tif ( BrightMode > 3 ) { \t\tcontinue; \t} \t \tif (BrightMode == 0) \t{\t\tmultiplexing routine: each led is on (1/9) of the time. \t\t\t → Use much less power. \t\tj = 0; \t\twhile (j < 60)\t\t Truncate brightness at a max value (60) in the interest of speed. \t\t{ \t\t \tif (LED0 > j) \t\tPORTD = 4; \t\t\telse\t \t\t\tPORTD = 0; \t\t\t \tif (LED1 > j) \t\tPORTD = 8;\t \telse\t \t\tPORTD = 0;\t \t\t\t \tif (LED2 > j) \t\tPORTD = 16; \telse\t \t\tPORTD = 0; \t\t\t \tif (LED3 > j) \t\tPORTD = 32;\t \telse\t \t\tPORTD = 0; \t\t\t \tif (LED4 > j) \t\tPORTD = 64; \telse\t \t\tPORTD = 0; \t\t \tif (LED5 > j) { \t\tPORTB = 17;\t \t\tPORTD = 0;} \t\t\telse\t{ \t\tPORTB = 16; \tPORTD = 0;\t\t} \t\t\t \tif (LED6 > j) \t\tPORTB = 18;\t \telse\t \t\tPORTB = 16; \t\t\t \tif (LED7 > j) \t\tPORTB = 20;\t \telse\t \t\tPORTB = 16; \t\t\t \tif (LED8 > j) \t\tPORTB = 24;\t \telse\t \t\tPORTB = 16; \t\t \t\tj++; //\t\tif (speedLevel == 3) //\t\t\tj++; \t\t PORTB = 16; \t} \t \t} \t else \t {\t\t full power routine \t\t \t j = 0; \t while (j < 70) \t { \t \t pt = 0;\t \t if (LED0 > j) \t pt = 4; \t if (LED1 > j) \t pt |= 8;\t \t if (LED2 > j) \t pt |= 16; \t if (LED3 > j) \t pt |= 32;\t\t \t if (LED4 > j) \t pt |= 64; \t \t PORTD = pt; \t shortdelay(); \t pt = 16;\t \t if (LED5 > j) \t pt |= 1;\t \t if (LED6 > j) \t pt |= 2;\t \t if (LED7 > j) \t pt |= 4;\t \t if (LED8 > j) \t pt |= 8;\t\t\t \t \t PORTB = pt; \t shortdelay(); \t\t \t j++; //\t if (speedLevel == 3) //\t j++; \t } \t\t \t } \t \t //Multiplexing routine: Each LED is on (1/9) of the time. // → Uses much less power.
\t}\tEnd main loop \treturn 0; } - define IS_BIT(a,p) (a&(1«p)) // test the a variable p bit - define SET_BIT(a,p) a |= (1«p) // set in a the p bit - define CLR_BIT(a,p) a &= ~(1«p) // clear in a the p bit - define LED0 \t\t( 4 )1
- define LED1 \t\t( 3 )2 - define LED2 \t\t( 2 )3
- define LED3 \t\t( 1 )4 - define LED4 \t\t( 0 )5
// byte two
- define LED5 \t\t( 3 )
- define LED6 \t\t( 2 )
- define LED7 \t\t( 1 )
- define LED8 \t\t( 0 )
void delay_ms( uint16_t milliseconds) {
for( ; milliseconds > 0; milliseconds--) { _delay_ms( 1); }
} // NSL Cylon
- define B9(x) 4))
- define B9(d) 0b##d
const static uint16_t large_imagensl_cylon PROGMEM ====== {
- if 1
\tB9(000000000), \tB9(111111111), \tB9(100000001), \tB9(100000001), \tB9(000000000), \tB9(100000000), \tB9(100000000), \tB9(100000000), \tB9(111111111), \tB9(000000000), \tB9(111110001), \tB9(100010001), \tB9(100010001), \tB9(100011111), \tB9(000000000), \tB9(111111111), \tB9(001000000), \tB9(000111000), \tB9(000000100), \tB9(000000010), \tB9(111111111), \tB9(000000000), \tB9(100000001), \tB9(100000001), \tB9(111111111), \tB9(000000000), \tB9(000000000), \tB9(000000000), // nullspace (backwards) \tB9(100010001), \tB9(100010001), \tB9(100010001), \tB9(111111111), \tB9(000000000), \tB9(100000001), \tB9(100000001), \tB9(111111111), \tB9(000000000), \tB9(111111111), \tB9(000010001), \tB9(000010001), \tB9(111111111), \tB9(000000000), \tB9(000011111), \tB9(000010001), \tB9(000010001), \tB9(111111111), \tB9(000000000), \tB9(111110001), \tB9(100010001), \tB9(100010001), \tB9(100011111), \tB9(000000000), \tB9(100000000), \tB9(100000000), \tB9(111111111), \tB9(000000000), \tB9(100000000), \tB9(100000000), \tB9(111111111), \tB9(000000000), \tB9(111111111), \tB9(100000000), \tB9(100000000), \tB9(111111111), \tB9(000000000), \tB9(111111111), \tB9(010000000), \tB9(001110000), \tB9(000001100), \tB9(000000010), \tB9(111111111), //\t0,0,0,0,
- else
// flickr B9(010101010), B9(000000000), B9(010101010), B9(000000000), B9(010101010), B9(101010101), B9(101010101), B9(101010101), B9(101010101), B9(101010101), B9(010101010), B9(010101010), B9(010101010), B9(010101010), B9(010101010), B9(101010101), B9(101010101), B9(101010101), B9(101010101), B9(101010101), //
B9(000000000), B9(000000000), B9(101010101), B9(100000001), B9(100000001), B9(000000000), B9(000000000), B9(100000000), B9(100000000), B9(100000000), B9(101010101), B9(000000000), B9(000000000), B9(101010001), B9(100010001), B9(100010001), B9(100010101), B9(000000000), B9(000000000), B9(101010101), B9(000000000), B9(001000000), B9(000010000), B9(000000100), B9(000000000), B9(101010101), B9(000000000), B9(000000000), B9(100000001), B9(100000001), B9(101010101), B9(000000000), B9(000000000), B9(000000000), B9(000000000), B9(000000000), B9(000000000), B9(000101010), B9(000100010), B9(000100010), B9(000100010), B9(010101010), B9(000000000), B9(000000000), B9(000000010), B9(000100010), B9(000100010), B9(000100010), B9(010101010), B9(000000000), B9(000000000), B9(010101010), B9(000000000), B9(000001000), B9(000000000), B9(000100000), B9(000000000), B9(000001000), B9(000000000), B9(010101010),
- endif
\t0,0,0,0, \t65535 }; // special pointer for reading from ROM memory PGM_P largeimage_p PROGMEM = (PGM_P)large_image;
- define NUM_ELEM(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof (*(x)))
// this function is called when timer1 compare matches OCR1A SIGNAL( SIG_TIMER1_COMPA ) { \tstatic uint8_t j = 0; \tuint8_t tmpout; \tuint16_t tmp=0; //reset counter \tif (pgm_read_word(largeimage_p + j ) == 65535 ) { \t\tj = 0; \t} \ttmp = pgm_read_word(largeimage_p + j); \ttmpout = 0; \tif( IS_BIT(tmp,0) ) SET_BIT(tmpout, LED0 ); \tif( IS_BIT(tmp,1) ) SET_BIT(tmpout, LED1 ); \tif( IS_BIT(tmp,2) ) SET_BIT(tmpout, LED2 ); \tif( IS_BIT(tmp,3) ) SET_BIT(tmpout, LED3 ); \tPORTB = ( tmpout ) »1; \ttmpout = 0; \tif( IS_BIT(tmp,4) ) SET_BIT(tmpout, LED0 ); \tif( IS_BIT(tmp,5) ) SET_BIT(tmpout, LED5 ); \tif( IS_BIT(tmp,6) ) SET_BIT(tmpout, LED6 ); \tif( IS_BIT(tmp,7) ) SET_BIT(tmpout, LED7 ); \tif( IS_BIT(tmp,8) ) SET_BIT(tmpout, LED8 ); \tPORTD = tmpout«2; // word \tj+=2; }
- else
/* larsonextend.c The Larson Scanner – Alternative version to allow scanner to run off the edge of the board.
It simulates one LED at brightness 4, followed by one LED of brightness 1, that moves across the nine pixels, disappearing off either end of the board, before returning to scan in the other direction. There is no longer any overlap of these "LEDs" at either end, but up to three LEDs may be lit at a time as the head fades in and the tail fades out. Also, some of the input and output values and pull-up resistors have been changed from the original program in anticipation of future extensibility. With the buttons linked between the units, it seems to be flakey, at best, to get an accurate button press on multiple units at the same time, so that section is commented out below. Change the speed in the variable declarations as you see fit. Also, since this program was originally written for a specific application (a permanent installation in an enclosure), the unit was never really intended to change speeds. I tried to get it to work like the original, but couldn't. Sorry, guys.
Original written by Windell Oskay, New alternative version written by John Breen III
Copyright 2009 Windell H. Oskay, 2010 John J. Breen III Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, please see below.
An avr-gcc program for the Atmel ATTiny2313 Based on Version 1.1_alt1, written by Windell Oskay Version 1.1 Last Modified: 26-Sep-2010. Written for Evil Mad Science Larson Scanner Kit, based on the "ix" circuit board.
More information about this project is at
------------------------------------------------- USAGE: How to compile and install
A makefile is provided to compile and install this program using AVR-GCC and avrdude. To use it, follow these steps: 1. Update the header of the makefile as needed to reflect the type of AVR programmer that you use. 2. Open a terminal window and move into the directory with this file and the makefile. 3. At the terminal enter make clean <return> make all <return> make install <return> 4. Make sure that avrdude does not report any errors. If all goes well, the last few lines output by avrdude should look something like this: avrdude: verifying ... avrdude: XXXX bytes of flash verified avrdude: safemode: lfuse reads as 62 avrdude: safemode: hfuse reads as DF avrdude: safemode: efuse reads as FF avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK avrdude done. Thank you.
If you a different programming environment, make sure that you copy over the fuse settings from the makefile.
------------------------------------------------- This code should be relatively straightforward, so not much documentation is provided. If you'd like to ask questions, suggest improvements, or report success, please use the evilmadscientist forum:
* /
- include <avr/io.h>
- define shortdelay(); \t\t\tasm(“nop\
“nop\ \\t”);int main (void) { uint8_t LEDs9; Storage for current LED values uint8_t rightLED6, leftLED6; Storage for initialization visualization LEDs \t int8_t eyeLoc5; List of which LED has each role, leading edge through tail. uint8_t LEDBright4 = {4u,2u,1u,1u}; Relative brightness of scanning eye positions, head through tail void delay_ms(uint8_t ms) { return 0;
uint16_t delay_count = 100; volatile uint16_t i; while (ms != 0) { for (i=0; i != delay_count; i++); ms--; } }
\t int8_t j, k, m; \t uint8_t position, loopcount, direction, initloopcount, already_running, softbounce; uint8_t runitout, d_base, a_base, d_mod, a_mod, far_left, far_right; uint8_t ILED, RLED, MLED;\t Eye position variables: Integer, Modulo, remainder uint8_t delaytime; uint8_t pt, debounce, speedLevel; unsigned int debounce2, BrightMode; \t uint8_t LED0, LED1, LED2, LED3, LED4, LED5, LED6, LED7, LED8; \t //Initialization routine: Clear watchdog timer– this can prevent several things from going wrong.\t\t MCUSR &= 0xF7;\t\tClear WDRF Flag WDTCSR\t= 0x18;\t\tSet stupid bits so we can clear timer… WDTCSR\t= 0x00; //Data direction register: DDR's //Port A: 1 is an output, A0 is an input.\t //Port B: 0-3 are outputs, B4 is an input.\t //Port D: 1-6 are outputs, D0 is an input. \t \tDDRA = 2U; \tDDRB = 15U;\t \tDDRD = 126U; \t \ta_base = 3; set a base value (resting value) for PA, to keep things easy to modify \td_base = 3; set a base value (resting value) for PD, to keep things easy to modify \t \tPORTA = a_base;\t Pull-up resistor enabled, PA0, Port A1 High \tPORTB = 16;\t Pull-up resistor enabled, PB4 \tPORTD = d_base; Pull-up resistor enabled, PD0, Port D1 High \t \td_mod = 0; \ta_mod = 0; \t /* Visualize outputs:
L to R: D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 B0 B1 B2 B3\t <-- A1 (out to left)
\t (out to right) D1 –>
* /
// Clear out all of the LED values to blank out the display \tj = 0; \twhile (j < 9) { \t\tLEDsj = 0; \t\tj++; \t} \t LED0 = LEDs0;
LED1 = LEDs[[1]];
\t LED2 = LEDs2; \t LED3 = LEDs3; \t LED4 = LEDs4; \t LED5 = LEDs5; \t LED6 = LEDs6; \t LED7 = LEDs7; \t LED8 = LEDs8; \t //multiplexed = LowPower;\t \tdebounce = 1; \tdebounce2 = 1; \tloopcount = 254; \tinitloopcount = 5; \tdelaytime = 0; \t \tdirection = 0; \tposition = 0; \trunitout = 0; \talready_running = 0; \tsoftbounce = 0; \tfar_left = 0; \tfar_right = 0; \tspeedLevel = 3; Range: 1, 2, 3 \tBrightMode = 0; if 5) \t\t{ \t\t\trunitout = 1; \t\t\talready_running = 1; \t\t\tdebounce = 0; Start running the program, but only on the left-most unit. \t\t} \t\t /*\tThis is the section from the original program to let the button change the speeds and brightness. \t\tdebounce2++; \t\t \t\tif (debounce2 > 100) \t\t{ debounce2 = 0; \t\t\tdebounce = 0; \t\t\t \t\t if (BrightMode == 0) \t\t\tBrightMode = 1; \t\t else \t\t\tBrightMode = 0; \t\t\t \t\t} \t\t \t\tif (debounce) \t\t{ \t\t\tspeedLevel++; \t\t\t \t\t\tif ((speedLevel == 2) || (speedLevel == 3)) { \t\t\t\tdelaytime = 0; \t\t\t} \t\t\telse \t\t\t{ speedlevel = 1; \t\t\t\tdelaytime = 1; \t\t\t} \t\t\t \t\tdebounce = 0; \t\t} \t}\t \telse{ \tdebounce = 1; \tdebounce2 = 1; \t} * /\t \t} \t \tif 6) || 7)) & (position >= 224)) \t\t{
this allows us to “soft-bounce” off the ends, like in the original program, without running off the edge \t\t\tposition = 15; \t\t\tif (direction == 0) \t\t\t\tdirection = 1; \t\t\telse \t\t\t\tdirection = 0; \t\t} \t\t \t\tif (position >= 240)\t To allow for runoff at the ends; was '== 128' \t\t{ \t\t\tposition = 0; \t\t \t\t\tif (direction == 0) { \t\t\t\tdirection = 1; we've reached the end, so go back in the other direction \t\t\t\tif (far_right == 0) If this isn't the end of the chain, we want to stop, and wait for a signal to go again \t\t\t\t\trunitout = 0; \t\t\t} \t\t\telse { \t\t\t\tdirection = 0; \t\t\t\tif (far_left == 0) If this isn't the end of the chain, we want to stop, and wait for a signal to go again \t\t\t\t\trunitout = 0; \t\t\t} \t\t} \t\t \t\t \tif (direction == 0) Moving to right, as viewed from front. \t{ \t\tILED = (15+position) » 4; \t\tRLED = (15+position) - (ILED « 4); \t\tMLED = 15 - RLED; \t\t \t} <code> else </code> \t{ \t\tILED = (127 - position) » 4; \t\tMLED = (127 - position) - (ILED « 4); \t\tRLED = 15 - MLED;\t \t} \t \tif 8) \t\td_mod = 2; If we're heading to the right, and we're not at the end of the chain, we want to trigger D1 to start the next scanner \t\t \tj = 0; \twhile (j < 9) { \t\tLEDsj = 0; \t\tj++; \t} \t\t \tj = 0; \tif ((softbounce == 1) & (((direction == 0) & (far_right == 1)) || 9))) { \t\twhile (j < 5) { \t\t\t \t\t\tif (direction == 0) \t\t\t m = ILED - (j + 1); \t\t\t m = ILED + (2 - j);\t e.g., eyeLoc0 = ILED + 2; \t\t\telse \t\t\t m = ILED + (j + 1); \t\t\t m = ILED + (j - 2); e.g., eyeLoc0 = ILED - 2; \t\t\t \t\t\tif 10) \t\t\t\tm = 8; \t\t\t \t\t\tif 11) \t\t\t\tm = 0; \t\t\t \t\t\teyeLocj = m; \t\t\t \t\t\tj++; \t\t} \t} \telse { \t\twhile (j < 5) \t\t{\t\t \t\t\tif (direction == 0) \t\t\t\tm = ILED - (j + 1);\t e.g., eyeLoc0 = ILED - 1; \t\t\telse \t\t\t\tm = ILED + (j + 1); e.g., eyeLoc0 = ILED + 1; \t\t\t \t\t\tif 12) \t\t\t\ta_mod = 2; If we're heading to the left, and we're not at the end of the chain, we want to trigger A1 to start the next scanner \t\t \t\t\tif (m > 8) \t\t\t\tm = -1; If eye position is past the end of the board, don't light it; set to -1 \t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\tif (m < 0) \t\t\t\tm = -1; If eye position is past the end of the board, don't light it; set to -1 \t\t\t \t\t\teyeLocj = m; \t\t\t \t\t\tj++; \t\t} \t} \t\t \tj = 0;\t\t For each of the eye parts… \twhile (j < 4) \t{\t\t \t\tif (eyeLocj >= 0) \t\t\tLEDs[eyeLoc[j]] += LEDBrightj*RLED;\t \t\tif (eyeLocj+1 >= 0) \t\t\tLEDs[eyeLoc[j+1]] += LEDBrightj*MLED; \t\tj++; \t} \t \t LED0 = LEDs0; <code> LED1 = LEDs1;</code> \t LED2 = LEDs2; \t LED3 = LEDs3; \t LED4 = LEDs4; \t LED5 = LEDs5; \t LED6 = LEDs6; \t LED7 = LEDs7; \t LED8 = LEDs8; \t} \telse if (initloopcount < 4 ) \t{ \t\tk = 0; \t\twhile (k < 6) { \t\t\tPORTD = leftLEDk; \t\t\tPORTB = rightLEDk; \t\t\tdelay_ms(1); \t\t \t\t\tPORTD = d_base; \t\t\tPORTB = 16; \t\t\tdelay_ms(29); \t\t\tk++; \t\t} \t\tdelay_ms(100); \t\tinitloopcount++; \t} \t} \tif (runitout) { \tif (BrightMode == 0) \t{\t\tmultiplexing routine: each led is on (1/9) of the time. \t\t\t → Use much less power. \t\tj = 0; \t\tPORTA = a_base - a_mod; we set a_mod to correspond to A1's bit in PORTA; this makes it easier to change the pin configs later \t\twhile (j < 60)\t\t Truncate brightness at a max value (60) in the interest of speed. \t\t{ \t\t \tif (LED0 > j) \t\tPORTD = 7 - d_mod; we set d_mod to correspond to D1's bit in PORTD; this makes it easier to change the trigger pin configs later \telse\t \t\tPORTD = d_base - d_mod; \t\t\t \tif (LED1 > j) \t\tPORTD = 11 - d_mod;\t \telse\t \t\tPORTD = d_base - d_mod;\t \t\t\t \tif (LED2 > j) \t\tPORTD = 19 - d_mod; \telse\t \t\tPORTD = d_base - d_mod; \t\t\t \tif (LED3 > j) \t\tPORTD = 35 - d_mod;\t \telse\t \t\tPORTD = d_base - d_mod; \t\t\t \tif (LED4 > j) \t\tPORTD = 67 - d_mod; \telse\t \t\tPORTD = d_base - d_mod; \t\t \tif (LED5 > j) { \t\tPORTB = 17;\t \t\tPORTD = d_base - d_mod;} \telse\t{ \t\tPORTB = 16; \t\tPORTD = d_base - d_mod;} \t\t\t \tif (LED6 > j) \t\tPORTB = 18;\t \telse\t \t\tPORTB = 16; \t\t\t \tif (LED7 > j) \t\tPORTB = 20;\t \telse\t \t\tPORTB = 16; \t\t\t \tif (LED8 > j) \t\tPORTB = 24;\t \telse\t \t\tPORTB = 16; \t\t \t\tj++; //\t\tif (speedLevel == 3) //\t\t\tj++; \t\t PORTB = 16; \t} \t \td_mod = 0; \ta_mod = 0; \t} \t else \t {\t\t full power routine \t \t PORTA = a_base - a_mod; \t j = 0; \t while (j < 70) \t { \t \t \t pt = d_base - d_mod;\t \t if (LED0 > j) \t pt |= 4; \t if (LED1 > j) \t pt |= 8;\t \t if (LED2 > j) \t pt |= 16; \t if (LED3 > j) \t pt |= 32;\t\t \t if (LED4 > j) \t pt |= 64; \t \t PORTD = pt; \t shortdelay(); \t pt = 16;\t \t if (LED5 > j) \t pt |= 1;\t \t if (LED6 > j) \t pt |= 2;\t \t if (LED7 > j) \t pt |= 4;\t \t if (LED8 > j) \t pt |= 8;\t\t\t \t \t PORTB = pt; \t shortdelay(); \t\t \t j++; //\t if (speedLevel == 3) //\t j++; \t } \t \t d_mod = 0; we want to stop triggering D1, so set the modifier of PORTD back to 0 \t a_mod = 0; we want to stop triggering A1, so set the modifier of PORTA back to 0 \t \t } \t} \t //Multiplexing routine: Each LED is on (1/9) of the time. // → Uses much less power. <code> PORTA = a_base - a_mod;</code> \t}\tEnd main loop \treturn 0; }- endif
\t </code>
+((x&0x000000F0LU)?LED1:0) \\ +((x&0x00000F00LU)?LED2:0) \\ +((x&0x0000F000LU)?LED3:0) \\ +((x&0x000F0000LU)?LED4:0) \\ +((x&0x00F00000LU)?LED5:0) \\ +((x&0x0F000000LU)?LED6:0) \\ +((x&0xF0000000LU)?LED7:0) \\ +((x&0xF00000000LU)?LED8:0)
- define _B9(d) ((uint16_t)B9(HEX(d