Done so far:
- Migrated to dedicated PC with clean OS install. BV's laptop is now deprecated (read: full of goatse).
- Updated MAME binaries and support files to current (0.147); they're on boobies.
- Got joystick working; props to Datagram for figuring out the last annoying part of that.
To do:
- Obtain complete set of CHDs. Right now they only include the laserdisc games.
- Get PC hardware into cabinet.
- Centralise power so that there's only one cable running out of the back (aka Operation: Powerstrip).
- Wifi, yo.
- Frontend. Probably going to use Maximus Arcade since it supports over 9000 emulators.
- Build out control panel.
- Build out marquee.
- Add coin mech with bill acceptor. Donations rock.
- BLINKY ALL THE THINGS. Buttons, cabinet, trackball, everything. LEDs and EL wire afuckinghoy.
OMG JAMMA HARNESS, hughalugha etc.
mame_cabinet.txt · Last modified: 2013/08/13 12:13 by