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NSL Photoshop Class Beta

The NSL Photoshop Class will meet @ 7pm the second Friday of each month at Null Space Labs during 2013.



  • Computer
  • Installled: Adobe Photoshop any version (CS5, CS6, CC preferred)


  • A real mouse. Trackpads are terrible for image editing.
  • A Wacom tablet. Best for editing.
  • Ideas! Inspirational source material! Bring images you like, images you want to emulate.
  • Cameras are welcome at every class, regardless of make/model/megapixel/film format.
  • I will be using CS6 so I suggest you do the same if you can. I will do my best to help those on every version.
  • Pictures, Drawings, sketches, anything you want to work on in this class. All disciplines and skill levels welcome at every class.

Reach out

Contact the 032 email list.

Previous Topics


   Image Steganography (No this is not just a black rectangle)

   Basic image manipulation and compositing. 

   Creating 3D effects.

   Creating Anaglyph Photographs
classes/photoshop.1376806198.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/08/17 23:09 by jared