Done so far:
Migrated to dedicated PC with clean
install. BV's laptop is now deprecated (read: full of goatse).
Updated MAME binaries and support files to current (0.147); they're on boobies.
Got joystick working; props to Datagram for figuring out the last annoying part of that.
To do:
Obtain complete set of CHDs. Right now they only include the laserdisc games.
Get PC hardware into cabinet.
Centralise power so that there's only one cable running out of the back (aka Operation: Powerstrip).
Wifi, yo.
Frontend. Probably going to use Maximus Arcade since it supports over 9000 emulators.
Build out control panel.
Build out marquee.
Add coin mech with bill acceptor. Donations rock.
BLINKY ALL THE THINGS. Buttons, cabinet, trackball, everything. LEDs and EL wire afuckinghoy.
JAMMA HARNESS, hughalugha etc.