We are going to make this thing our bitch.
Not really rooting..
1) Plug in your battery and using your laptop, connect to your Ar.Drone.
2) Download and open Putty (or whatever you use to telnet), telnet to Port 23
3) ??? (This means you're in, no password)
4) Profit
5) Congrats you're in, but let's make this easier to hack, let's get it to give us ftp access to the root. cd into '/etc'
6) vi inetd.config
7) Change the first line “21 stream tcp nowait root ftpd ftpd -w /data/video” to “21 stream tcp nowait root ftpd ftpd -w /”
8) Open your web browser or filezilla and ftp into your Ar.Drone:
9) Enjoy
Ardrone uses AT commands, using google: https://projects.ardrone.org/boards/1/topics/show/852
Packet capture to be uploaded soon..
Initial dump (IDA6.0) of iphone app from Eric.
Hardware specs:
Processor Board: (Front)
Navigation Board:
Processor Board:
Nav Board: