{{ SANY0127.JPG?&600 |Full Size}} **Don't Place IC202!! Get ADC08L060CIMT first!**
unzip it to C:\\MinGW\\
open a command prompt and add C:\\MinGW\\bin to the path ( //set path=C:\\mingw\\bin;%path//% )
* Run this command
//mingw-get install gcc//
In _checkmake.bat in cockpit add (use the right paths)
set LIBGCC=c:/pm3/proxspace/devkitarm/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.0/interwork/libgcc.a
If libgmp-10.dll is not found, add C:\\mingw\\bin\\ to the path.
Bootloader S19 needs relocating by 0x10,000 with J-flash
fpga s19 relocate 0x10,000
osimage S19 remove 0x3dc20 onwards, relocate 0x10,000
The fpga needs Xilinx ISE webpack, which is a >5GByte download and takes forever to install..
Once its installed add the path C:\\Xilinx\\11.1\\ISE\\bin\
t\\ or C:\\Xilinx\\11.1\\ISE\\bin\
t64\\ for 64 bit windows
go into the fpga directory and do
* make clean
* make
the fpga.bit should then be built.