==== Juki 360 Pick and Place ====
mmca and gleep fixed most of the issues, we're in need of some stoppers and what not, maybe some cleaning.
i've documented all this on the blog
===== Todo =====
Bought one of these [[http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170675824789&ssPageName=ADME:L:OC:US:1123#ht_7055wt_1396|SD Card floppy emulator]] Should work, yeah we changed direction here
New reed switch is on its way. (arrived and fitted)
// Todo list :-
// add items to todo list
// remove all the utf8 buffers, choose CString or std::string ?
// fully implement new feeder classes
// update component classes to make it simpler
// too much relies on the index in the CListCtrl's
// make busy status reflect in GUI
// add a status print somewhere in the GUI
// more error checking
// figure out the problem with CheckX / CheckAck and see if it can be handled better (added longer delay on timeout)
// add last feeder XY to Grbl and add new GCODE parameter to set feeder (partially added, sets feeder )
// more help documentation
// document GCODE
// add 'Append' option to feeder load/import
// plain text for all load/save files ? XML i guess since everyones going with that.
// finish adding machine plot area to GUI (simulate)
// double check rotation
// add picker for serial port, add registry key, add more error checking for serial port
// more camera controls, fine tune the slow/fast modes
// tidy up headers
// add localisation to strings?
// reflect limit switches in GUI
// handle flipped pcbs!! (Most important) (done)
// Recently added :-
// Added multiple PCB offsets (not tested!)
// Todo list :-
// Add vacuum tests for before/after pickup (done)
// Add last feeder setting (done)
// tidy up
// Recently added :-
// More checks on head down, and moving
===== Files =====
{{:cpm system disk.doc}}
{{:cpm system disk d88.img.doc}}
===== Links =====
[[http://www.cpm8680.com/cpmtools/index.htm#windows ]] CPM tools
===== Info =====
Computer is a 4Mhz Z80 based PC 8801 with 40 track dual floppys.
Pulled off the header, so floppy is 40 track, double sided.
\t\theader\t{headersignature=0x00f974c4 "hxcpicfe" formatrevision=0 number_of_track='(' ...}\tHXC_fileformatheader_
\t\tHEADERSIGNATURE\t0x00f974c4 "HXCPICFE"\tunsigned char [[8]]
\t\tformatrevision\t0\tunsigned char
\t\tnumber_of_track\t40 '('\tunsigned char
\t\tnumber_of_side\t2 '�'\tunsigned char
\t\ttrack_encoding\t0\tunsigned char
\t\tbitRate\t250\tunsigned short
\t\tfloppyRPM\t0\tunsigned short
\t\tfloppyinterfacemode\t7 '�'\tunsigned char (7 is shugart)
\t\tdnu\t1 '�'\tunsigned char
\t\ttrack_list_offset\t1\tunsigned short
\t\twrite_allowed\t255 'ÿ'\tunsigned char
Contents of disk
8/25/2011 21:46 768 auto.com
8/25/2011 21:46 1,024 backup.com
8/25/2011 21:46 6,656 format.com
8/25/2011 21:46 1,152 kbios.com
8/25/2011 21:46 7,424 pip.com
8/25/2011 21:46 4,736 pk1hanso.com
8/25/2011 21:46 8,320 pk1init.com
8/25/2011 21:46 17,536 pk1main.com
8/25/2011 21:46 36,352 pk1sub50.com
8/25/2011 21:46 32,384 pk1sub54.com
8/25/2011 21:46 36,096 pk1sub60.com
8/25/2011 21:46 12,672 pk1sub70.com
8/25/2011 21:46 30,464 pk1sub80.com
8/25/2011 21:46 4,864 pk1sub84.com
8/25/2011 21:46 12,544 pk1sub85.com
8/25/2011 21:46 1,792 pk1sub99.crl
8/25/2011 21:46 128 start.sub
8/25/2011 21:46 128 std.bas
8/25/2011 21:46 1,920 std.cem
8/25/2011 21:46 512 std.par
8/25/2011 21:46 1,280 submit.com
8/25/2011 21:46 16,000 work.wor
CP/M files are offset 0x100 , use Zilog Z80
Tool one (A) distance from table 2.55600 in = 64.9224 millimeters