===== Learning stuff just got real ===== ----

{{#ifexpr:{{formatnum:{{pagesize:nsl:heading/{{#time:f j, y}}}}|R}}>150|WHEN?|WHEN?}}===== * Friday, October 29th (that's in the past, why you gotta bring that up) * Time: 7:30pm * [[http://wiki.032.la/index.php?title=Events&Name=Null%20Space%20Labs%20Calendar-a7t9dp9z&EditEvent=44|Calendar Page]]

{{#ifexpr:{{formatnum:{{pagesize:nsl:heading/{{#time:f j, y}}}}|R}}>150|Stuff you need before hand yo, Prerequisites|Stuff you need before hand yo, Prerequisites}}===== * Computer, windows, mac or linux. * Copy of Eagle http://www.cadsoftusa.com/download.htm Freeware/freeemium version is Ok. * Cunning and wit * Plastic raincoat * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvzgMSpzigw Eagle is very indepth, so don't expect to learn too much on the first date. We'll do basic setup, placement and how to route a simple board. We may get to creating your own parts, but it'll depend on time and how quickly people pick it up. If you've got basic eagle experience, then you get up and teach the class smartyboy. The idea is to teach as many people enough to make them dangerous as possible. We'll be building a Cylon/Knight Rider/Gort style LED chaser. Using a simple uC and LEDs. We will scratch build the circuit in Eagle from a supplied schematic, and library. Then laying out the PCB. Next the PCB's will be made (BatchPCB) and then have a build session. Cost of parts should be very low if you choose to build your own, or don't get one of the first free 50. Buying/building the parts or PCB is not required for the class, its just if you want to make it. A BOM and what not will magically appear on the wiki, then when people ask where it is, we can exercise sarcasm

{{#ifexpr:{{formatnum:{{pagesize:nsl:heading/{{#time:f j, y}}}}|R}}>150|Things we will do|Things we will do}}===== * Create a schematic in Eagle from an existing design * Create a PCB/Board from the Eagle schematic, lay down parts, connect wires etc * Talk about manufacturing and problems * Create 'Gerbers' for manufacturing * Create CNC'able version of PCB. Cut on PCB CNC machine * Send board to manufacture * Build board What this class isn't * Teaching Electronics, but suprisingly you won't need to know about EE, that is covered elsewhere.

{{#ifexpr:{{formatnum:{{pagesize:nsl:heading/{{#time:f j, y}}}}|R}}>150|What we're making|What we're making}}===== {{:schematic image.png}} Except we'll be stepping it up a notch and creating in a single sided PCB using nearly all surface mount components and a leadless MLF CPU. We'll go all the way from creating the schematic to actually building the device itself at [[NSL]]. Going over typical problems and how to create files to send away for PCB manufacturing and CNC milling. All of the parts will be provided (upto 50 boards) for people to create their own cylon in time for halloween. The parts , like the class, are FREE for the first 50 boards. This is what the board looks like from EMSL, ours will not be like this, it'll be a lot smaller with surface mount LED's


{{#ifexpr:{{formatnum:{{pagesize:nsl:heading/{{#time:f j, y}}}}|R}}>150|Files|Files}}===== {{:nsl.lbr}} {{:nsl_cylon.sch}} {{:nsl_cylon.brd}} {{:nsl_gerbers.7z}} {{:sfe-gerb274x-mine.cam}} {{:mod-drcforcnc.7z}}

{{#ifexpr:{{formatnum:{{pagesize:nsl:heading/{{#time:f j, y}}}}|R}}>150|Creating a Part|Creating a Part}}=====

{{#ifexpr:{{formatnum:{{pagesize:nsl:heading/{{#time:f j, y}}}}|R}}>150|Vids from the Eagle class|Vids from the Eagle class}}===== * [[http://storage.032.la/create_a_part.mp4|Create a Part]] * [[http://storage.032.la/eagle_schematic_1.mp4|Make a schematic]] * [[http://storage.032.la/eagle_board_lessons.mp4|Layout the board]] * [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCMcexRX2Lk|Grid size]]